For as little as £99 extra, you can add a motor to small roller blind that you can't reach, making it safer to use, or you can arrange a full new build with automated blinds that will open and close on timers, using a sophisticated Chronis controller, at a lot less than you'd think, call us today to discuss your new project.
Somfy Electric Blinds Carlisle, call us to discuss your project

Buy a Tahamo Home Control System and we'll give you an Amazon Alexa Dot for FREE!
Control your home lights, locks and blinds with your speech.

alexa dot
If you're planning a new build property, get us involved at the beginning, we can advise you on what type and where to plan for electric points.

new build
If you are starting a project, we can give you great advice, we'll even build you an automated blind to see if thats what you need FOC, we have 10 years of delivering quality automation.

why use us?